Friday, February 5, 2010

It's snowing....again...

The news people warned us. I tuned into My Fox DC like it was the Chicago Bears doin' the Superbowl Shuffle circa '85...basically, I was hooked.
They had the little snow flakes falling around the backdrop, warning us all of impending doom and peril that accompanies all major snow storms. Promising that today at promptly 10am the snow would begin and not cease until Saturday night.
Schools were closing in advance.

We had an ample warning. At least 3-4 days of forewarning. Mike & I bought our supplies in advance. The Commissary wasn't a-buzz. Unless you consider a-buzz retirees stalling out in their store provided electric mobility 'abuzz'. Or if you consider a random military wife, (whose hobbies include but are not limited to, scrapping and procreating) standing in front of the chef boy-ar-dee trying to decided if their 4,3, 2, and 1 year old would rather have beef-a-roni OR ravioli, a bruhaha, then... well it was mini-a buzz.

But suffice it to say, we bought our bread, and milk for hunkering down in our apartment in advance. We even bought a small bundle of wood.

This morning, however, we had a few more things Mike had to gather before he says "Bis Bald" to me and hops his flight to Germany.
Like stopping by Transportation to get extra info on our move. Picking up records.

I have to say, Transportation Man was the very first nice person I've dealt with at Fort Meade. And I mean that.
I liked him instantly. He looked like...well, the good humor man. Without Ice Cream, but wearing a "heard it's gonna storm!" cosby sweater. He told me his name was Chuck, and there would be a pop exam on all the info he was about to bestow on me. I told him I'd study make him proud. He gave me packets of info on getting Mike's truck to the port in Dundalk.
He suggested we not move all our stuff, since digs will be smaller in Germany.

I thought kind of wistfully..."oh sweet couches named Darrell and must remain behind. Germany is no place for you. Go. Keep your Baltimorey selves right were they belong..."

We bid Chuck adieu.

It was 10am when we walked outside. Lo and behold, to my dismay Sue Palka didn't lie. Tiny little flurries were lazily falling down right in front of my nose.
We made our way to the commissary for 2 more bundles of wood. Realizing if she was that on-it to predict the exact time the snow would start, then we gonna need more wood!

Our first tip should've been the parking lot. It  was full. as in...I've never seen every spot spoken for at the commissary ever. Finally, after many minutes of searching, we find one empty spot at the very end of the parking lot. We cut off and elderly asian lady and a man with a seeing eye dog just to get it. Don't worry, the dog was there to look for him. He didn't get hit.

We walk inside, and have to wait for a buggy. Tip off number 2 that we should probably just leave. Alas, Sumans don't give up that easily when there are Double Stuffed Oreos in the store a-waitin.
We did get our Double Stuffed, and some juice, and basically nothing we needed since we had everything already.
Then we see it.
The line.
As in the line to check out. It started in the back of the store in the produce section, and quite literally it wrapped around the store to the front. My jaw dropped open. Mike parked the buggy beside another of it's adandoned siblings and we went to Weis.

Where we found 2 bundles of wood. The Double Stuffeds were sold out, and so we settled on 3 bags of Jelly beans to ride the storm out with.

We have since been home, watching the snow fall steady and begin to stick to our balcony. We watched a few episodes of Gilligans Island...and I wish I was on an uncharted desert isle where it was nice, warm, and not a chance of snow.....

1 comment:

  1. yeah, but then you'd have to deal with Gillian. or in this case, I imagine he wouldn't be the TV Gillian, so much as Dominic Poops-a-smelly.
