Saturday, February 6, 2010

Blizzard of 2010...and people wonder why I hate snow.

There we were...all cocky about building a fire. You have a fireplace. You buy some logs, you throw a match in it, and shazam. It's a roaring fire all toasty and warm.
It's picturesque. Snow is falling at maniac speed. It's cold. We have no where to go....
Fire+Snow=isn't this how it's supposed to be?

Fireplaces and snow go together. It's just science. It's 1970's ski lodge romantic, without the sideburns and awesome fashion.

We put our logs in the grate thing-a-ma-bob. We get our 'starter' paper. We light it, put it under the log. And....
We try again. Nothing.
We move the logs around.

So there we sit, in front of our fireplace. For 2 hours. Trying to get a freaking log to burn.
Mike scratched his head and said "We'd be terrible arsonists."
Finally. After even the cats gave up on the idea of curling up next to the heat, the log caught fire and we were in business.

All the while the snow just kept piling up outside. And there was nothing we could do about it.
In fact, while I sit here, the snow is STILL piling up outside.

I woke up to a window full of snow. It made me growl. I literally growled. Seriously? Is over a foot of snow at 8am necessary? I looked out the front door and saw the Guatemalan workers shoveling the sidewalks. I caught eye contact with one soul. We shared a knowing nod andI could tell he was thinking "Could you tell me again what was my reasoning to move away from Huehuetenango to Maryland?"
I shrugged.
After we were fully up and at 'em and filled up on the standard snowday breakfast of  Pillsbury Orange Sweet Rolls, we decided to take a walk to access Mother Nature's damage.

Yeah, the shoveling those men did, it was all in vain. You couldn't even tell they'd been out there.

We walked down to Hwy 32.
And it became apparently clear to me....No one is going anywhere for a while. Everyone is stuck. No cars can get out. No airplanes flying to somewhere fabulous like Cinnamon Bay. At least not from BWI.

So, here we are...just me, mike and mounds of snow.

Man, I wish we'd bought those Double Stuffed Oreos yesterday.


  1. I had to laugh...yes lighting a fire s harder than it looks:)

  2. It is!!! And it looks so easy in the movies!!! haha
