Friday, March 5, 2010

Lerory Sanford and the lingering smell.

The Cartwright movers were supposed to be here bright and early this morning, or so said Orlando, the voice of the moving company. Yeah, we've talked. We were on first name basis cause me and Orlando go all the way back to Monday.
Orlando, or Landy as I like to call him, said the movers would be here at 8am. Sharp. And stay no later than 10am. Exactly

So, I cancel walking the kids, I set my alarm for 7am to get my two cups of coffee in, and to attempt to wake up properly.
I was sure they'd come a-knockin' and everything would be "mission a-go."

At 10:30, I was munching on a fiber one bar, tuning into the biography channel. Wondering if Orlando stood me up.
Another hour passed, when there was a thundering knock on the door. So much so that Jessie bolted to the safety that can only be found under the sanctuary of the sleep number. Allie ran willy-nilly looking for a fast escape, which lead her to the not so concealing spot behind the Tv. It's skinny, she's bumply. She kinda stuck out, but at least she thought she was hidden.

I opened the front door, and before me stood, not Landy (I reason he was just the receptionist, no heavy lifting for him. Who knows, maybe he had a hernia which keeps him off heavy liftin' duty) But before me was Fred G. Sanford.
In the flesh.
With his hair haphazardly sticking out from the sides of his truckers cap.
He says "Mornin'. You got some shipments going to Ger-min-ney?"
I say "Yes. Right this way."
He says "I'm Lerory." stressing RORY.
He walks into our spare bedroom, where I've piled the footlockers and various other Michael things.
He assesses the situation by cocking his head left then right.
He chews his lip and says "K. I be right back."

I think he's going down to the truck to tell the big dummy to come up and lend a hand, and if not Lamont, then AT least Grady or Melvin.
Instead he comes back up, with brown shipping paper, boxes, tape and a dolly...smelling distinctly of cigerettes.
I'm shocked that the company would send Redd Foxx...and I was terrified I'd hear him in the sparebedroom calling out to Elizabeth. Oh this is the big one...I'm coming to join you!

Lerory is working hard in the spare bedroom, and I feel guilty for just sitting on the sofa watching tv. I offer him a bottled water.
I offer him a Diet Dr. Pepper.
He declines.

He says he has to go back down to the van.
And comes back smelling strong of cigerettes.
It hits me, LeRory is taking smoke breaks.

I half think of febreezing our apartment, but think it may be too rude to Air Effects the apartment while Lerory is still inside of it.

Finally he takes our load down, comes back and has me sign off on the little list of things that are now en route to Mikely.
While I'm standing there, looking for where I need to sign, I imagine if he was a cartoon character, he'd have been PigPen. because the smell is radiating off of him. In little clouds.
But it's not just's more...involved....more....drastic.
Cigerettes and Butt.

He says "So, all this stuff is goin' to Ger-min-ney?"
I breathe through my mouth and nod while signing the stack of paperwork, "Yes, eventually, all of it."
He shakes his head and says "Well, I got off easy, that's for sure."
I say "Yeah, it's going to be a lot of work."
He said 'Yeah, I already feel them 3 flighters of stairs. Three flighters of stairs is a lot for anyone."
I thought "oh no. here it is, Elizabeth, he's coming to join you, and it's all because of me."
I offered him a water, again. A baby aspirin, anything.
He again said "No, honey, I be ok."

Lerory's endearment made me feel guilty for breathing through my mouth, and for counting the steps to the cabinet to where the Air Effects was gearing up to perform it's job.

He said "But I do tell you this, they gonna earn they keep when they move this stuff to Ger-min-ney. You gonna have to feed them chicken wings for climbing those three flighters of stairs"

He left, taking a little piece of Michael with him, and leaving a little piece of his smell behind...
I googled to see if  Dominos has wings.

And I realized....I hoped Lerory had a good day for his troubles on our three flighters of stairs, because really, he IS too old to have to work so hard.



  2. Seriously, Lyns, I'm in tears from laughing so hard. Thinking of them taking all Mike's army stuff away in that red truck. LOL
