Wednesday, March 21, 2012


Happiness today for me, was taking a bus ride on this sunny day, through this beautiful city. Nothing makes me happier than seeing the morning sun shine on this old beautiful city.

We took the morning bus to the Klinikum. (we both had appointments) The city bus becomes the school bus during mornings *and again in the afternoon*. (My sister had her introduction to this cultural difference by getting almost whapped by a big kid with his renegade backpack. She was saved by the German guy sitting beside her. When all the kids started piling on the bus that morning, Lynsey's rescuer shot me a look and started laughing. Both of us in on the intense crowding of school children that was about to occur.) But back to my story...

There were two little girls (A little blondish brown haired girl, and a girl with white-blonde hair) standing up on their ride to school. They were no more than 7, if that. At the next stop a little red haired girl (Her hair was in perfect piggy tails) hopped on. She saw the white-blonde girl standing there. She threw her arms around the little girl with excitement. Almost as if she hadn't seen her friend in years.
I told Michael "You know, she probably just saw her yesterday." We both smiled at the cuteness.
At the sheer exhuberance of love.
The little redhaired girl took her schule tasche off her shoulders at warp speed. She started digging in the little side pocket.
With a flourish she pulled out a mini toy pony. A princess pony at that. She extended her arm to show her whiteblonde best friend. Then promptly returned princess pony back to her schule tasche.
It was such a  moment of sheer innocence, that I was immediately endeared and charmed by the cute little trio. They stood talking little girl talk. The little redhaired girl with her hand on her hip.
Michael and I couldn't help but watch them and smile.

Even after our appointments, and eating our "American" style subs (Waaay better than any Sub I've ever eaten in America) in the warm glorious spring sunshine, and holding hands through the market (where we admired the pussywillows, and the HUGE mushrooms, and the fresh rosemary, and the furry dog parade) we still were amused by the trio of little friends.

It's the little things, indeed.